Light Trying to Reclaim a Lost Soul

I took a break from most social media because this is how I’ve been feeling. Now that I’ve recharged a bit, I would like to share some thoughts:

This piece is for all the musicians who have lost inspiration and feel discouraged from this year. I want it to serve as a reminder that light is always close by no matter how dark and empty our surroundings appear; and to have faith in that light when this blackness closes in. These are the moments where it is most difficult to maintain perspective and love for what we do, but it is also in these moments that we can have immense growth, and be reminded as to why we do what we do. I stand with you all in solidarity, my artist community. We will get through this. Also, here is a reminder that we are NOT what we do, we are so much more. Remember our identities are not our music. Perhaps this year is a brutal way to be reminded of this. 🙏

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